Sunday, August 19, 2012

Waiting for Season #7

Season 6 is done.  Now I'm waiting with the rest of the Whovian Universe for season 7 to start.  So I've come up with a list of things I can do to occupy my time while I wait.

  1. Re-watch all of Nine's episodes and count up all the times he says "Fantastic"
  2. Re-watch all of Ten's episodes and count up all the times he says "Well"
  3. Re-watch all of Eleven's episodes and count up all the times he says "Cool"

Ha! Re-watching ROCKS!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

The Doctor is almost (back) in!

     Is anyone else as excited as I am about the imminent return of Doctor Who?!  I fit the bill of the pathetically late-to-the-party Whovian, but I'm okay with that title.  Here's how it started... I'm a huge fan of Pinterest (it's kind of embarrassing actually - check it out if you don't believe me: and a few weeks ago (has it really been just weeks?!) I finally bit the bullet and pulled up the first episode of the 9th Doctor's season.
     Doctor Who has a HUGE following on Pinterest and all my favorite Geeky boards were harboring him.  What can I say? Resistance was futile.  ANYWAY, I pulled it up on Netflix and the rest as they say is history.  I've been through five and 1/2 seasons in four weeks and I've brought my kids along for the ride.  Although... if I'm honest it's more like I've tied them up and thrown them in the trunk of this ride - eh.  I know they'll love me for it eventually.  
     The seventh season is nearly upon us which is exciting and terrible.  Exciting because I cannot wait! I'm almost finished with the first six seasons and just in time! Terrible because now that I'm just about caught up I'll have to be like normal people and get my episodes once a week!  OH THE HORROR!  Although... REWATCHING all the episodes and soaking it all up again could be fun...
     Hmmm, I wonder if the kids will come along for THAT ride too?  I'd better get some more rope.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Doctor Withdrawal II

Decided to make this an image - because let's face it... It's brilliant.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Doctor Withdrawl

It's another night.  Another night of staying up too late.  Another night of watching too much Doctor Who.  Every night it's the same.  I watch till it's much too late then I crawl into bed - only to find I can't close my eyes because my mind won't stop moving.  If this is a sad strange existence I lead, then just let me go.  Let me keep chattering on like a mad man... A mad man with a box.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Doctor Heartbreak

I get it the Doctor is eternal.  I get it there are bigger stories than the Doctor and Rose but for cripes' sakes I know I'm not the only one who just didn't believe she was okay with it.
It's like a sour taste in my mouth.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Doctor Who Drive By

Bonus post today. I'm bored and not ready to work. Anyone else?

So Many Doctors

One of the terrible things I've noticed in the past week (has it really only been a week since I started watching Doctor Who?) is that I have a job.  Well I mean I know I have a job, I've had one for quite some time, but dammit my job has never interfered quite so completely with my deepest desires before.  Of course my deepest desires at the moment have everything to do with watching every single Doctor Who episode/special in existence.  Why can't I get paid for being the geek I really am?  Is there a job out there like that? Come on!
I think I like this one because the sentence sounds wrong, but it's just right.